Here we go...a Blomedy public service announcement...probably shoulda posted it a while back...its gettin outta control out there...so here it is...the Facebook Etiquette (thank God for spell check) Special...
- First thing 1st...if we r havin a private discussion DO NOT post any response or reply to that conversation on my WALL...STOP IT
- PARTY PROMOTERS...this is gettin ridiculous...I'm imposing a ONE message a week limit...ONE...I don't need 7 messages a day about tha Boogie in the Boom Boom Room...Thanks
- Jus because u hear a song u like on the radio doesn't mean u have to make it ur status...
- Its 09...Facebook has been out for AT LEAST 5 yrs now...can we ALL get a profile pic please??
- Ur relationship is not complicated...cut it out...no one believes u
- Stop having a full length convo in the picture comments section...
- Don't ask to b someone's friend n then never talk 2 them...that's how Facebook stalking gets started
- Ladies...don't think jus cuz u wear a bang in every pic that we won't find out bout that extra ear growin out ur forehead
- Stop taggin ppl in notes that don't involve them...ur just confusing everyone
- Can we get rid of "Honesty Box" please?
- AND FINALLY...stop confessing ur love for ur boyfriend/girlfriend everyday...no one cares and we all hate you more for it...lol...i'm playin...but not really...keep that shit to yaself....
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