Last One in the Pool...

Here it comes...while the winter is finishin up its cold stranglehold tha warm seasons r right around tha corner preparing for their victory lap. So as this may sound like a wonderful for most...well it serves as a dreaded reminder for us lazy winter time FATBOYS (and super EXTRA healthy females) that its time to hit up that gym!!...U know...that place u pass by on tha way to tha buffet, crabshack, and all u can eat grease factory...time to take a detour. Liftin those lil buffalo wings at the bar is not a replacement for lift weights...OH n while i'm at it...that walk u du from ur car to tha bar IS NOT what u should consider ur exercise for tha week...I don't care how far u parked!! And finally dudes if u need some more encouragement...lets du a lil more push ups this yr...u don't wanna b tha only dude in tha pool wit a t-shirt on...N U DAMN SURE DON'T WANNA BE THA PERSON AT THA POOL PARTY WIT THA BIGGEST CUP me...ur gonna be in tha designated lonely dude section by tha bug filter...
