09 cliche remix

I thought I'd 09 remix/update some of the cliches we've all grown to love and still use...yet dont make sense and usually dont apply to this day and age. Use these to help you get through life and pass them on to your grandchildren:

1. alls well that ends pretty badly usually.

2. a penny saved is sad.

3. the grass is always greener where you water it.

4. 2 wrongs dont make a right...but you didnt want it to anyway did u?

5. the apple doesnt fall far from the tree unless its a big tree and its windy.

6. dont bite the hand that feeds you...lick it.

7. dont count your chickens before they hatch...matter fact dont count chickens...thats jus weird.

8. dont eat where you shit unless ur a shit eater or in a really really small place.

9. if it aint broke...break it...then dont fix it.

10. if it walks like a chic, quacks like a chic,looks like a chic, check the adams apple.

11. keep your head above water...unless ur a fish...then thats not such a good idea.

12. knock on wood...and if its a door your tryna enter...you get a twofer.

13. look what the cat dragged in...a dead mouse...illll

14. the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...or jus right through his chest if wanna get it over it.

15. when life give you lemons...that can could be pretty confusing...jus work with it.

16. You cant teach an old dog new tricks...but he's fuckin old. give him a break. The old tricks cant be that bad.

17. The early bird gets the worm...but the late bird gets pizza....eh?

18. It aint over til the fat lady sings...but i like to end it before she starts.

19. To each his own...unless your poor. then its to each is everybody's

20. you can't judge a book by its cover...unless its a book cover contest..and ur a judge.

21. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...then gain their trust...then beat em.

Speaking of Cliches...this is a pretty funny sketch i came across...enjoy
