Facebook GPS

Dont you hate when you obsess over someone on facebook and your done reading everything they ever wrote on their profile and scroll through all their pictures and you get this feeling of emptiness....like there has to be more...because though you basically tapped into their life and gained an unhealthy and borderline dangerous attachment to them...you still feel like you dont really know them. Well i think facebook has solved this problem. They are workin on an application where you can actually find out where all your friends are...literally...like down to the address by using their cell phone numbers they registered with to use facebook mobile to find their GPS location. ISNT THIS GREAT?! So if you send someone a message and they dont respond....just go visit them because obviously they were having computer problems...cut the middleman. Or if you want to suprise your significant other because you see they arent where they said they were going to be...this can be your push into domestic violence. Theres just so much convenience with this application. And Facebook hits another one out the park. THANKS FACEBOOK.

....ok not really but we're pretty much already there


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