This Week Top 5 Twitter Dont's

I have been an active user of twitter for a while now(@rastruly btw) and i was skeptical at first but it grew on officially a twitterist. But u come across things sometimes that make you curse to yourself and eventually unfollow people. So take a look at some of the Twitter Dont's:

1. Girls chill wit the subliminals...Nobody cares bout ya man...every chic aint hatin on not dat fly...keep that stuff to yaself...please...thanks.

2. Dont tweet your every move. If you goin somewhere and you wanna But DONT tell us the live update of the journey to and fro(always wanted to use fro) how many steps you walked and wat street u turned on. Your cloggin the feed with nonsense.

3. Dont have full blown conversations with someone on twitter...unless the discussion is funny and you get confirmation of the amusement. Other than or text the me...people will hate u less.

4. Dont ruin twit trends by trying to fit in and writing some nonsense. If you dont got it in you...jus read and enjoy. You dont have to tweet.

5. Dont be that guy/girl doesnt twit and probably only has twitter to keep tabs on someone...really following. NOT COOL.
