Slap my Armpit n Call Me a Hater But....

Okay everybody...theres something that's jus been buggin me for tha longest time...I can't find my bluetooth...i think i dropped it in tha car under tha seat...BUT that's not what i came here to discuss. LOOK...this is gettin waaaaaayyy outta control...apparently some people can't tell tha difference between...what they hear on tha radio and their life. Here's some help...if ur hearing someone who is famous wit a lot of money and an established fan base saying something about themselves chances r tha same thing DOES NOT...I REPEAT...DOES NOT apply to u!!! Below i have provided some guidelines to help those who remain in their own delusional world...

  • U don't have swag...i'm sry. Soulja Boy probably wakes up in tha mornin on a hundred thousand dollar bed inside his million dollar house (n did i mention he's only like 17) n turns his swag most u may wake up n turn shower on n i don't care what tha commercials say axe and old spice will not give u swag. What u have is self esteem...there's a difference...OH n while i'm at it...take off those stupid shade glasses...NO ONE is cool enuff to pull that look off...they make u look like a 24/7 peepin tom...u wanna walk around lookin like a dirty old man???

  • Ladies, ur NOT BEYONCE.....NO no no no no no no no no no (deep breath) no no no no no no nooooooooooooo......

  • If she's not ur girlfriend...don't ask for birthday's just a song...unless u made prior engagements ur probably not gettin anything outside of a card n a high five...n PLEASE don't follow tha song exactly...cuz if u ask for it on her birthday all ur gonna get is a restraining order...

I hope this brings some of u back to reality n if u have any friends who r still in denial...du them a favor n stomp on their iPod...


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